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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Economic Crisis: Rice Shortage in Oregon

Is your town experiencing this so called “rice shortage” crisis? If so, Oregon is one of it. Started last week most people rushing and buying more rice since they heard that there is a rice shortage coming. And yesterday I went to all bulk stores that carried rice but unfortunately they were all out. So I began to think maybe it is true that Oregon will encounter this “rice shortage”. Lately I ordered rice at WinCo Foods, and said that I will get as much as they have, but they only have one bag. The good thing is they saved it for me.

But I did start wandering, why we have “rice shortage”? And how it happened? Did somebody hide the rice? There is no way people can do that. Anyway, as what I’ve heard from the news and all the gossips everywhere especially in the stores that most of our rice was sent to China, which they needs rice right now and their family here in Oregon trying to provide rice for them. That’s why Oregon encountered this economical imbalance with rice. In fact Costco limits one bag of rice per person. And I worried about my co- rice lover! I knew that Chinese, Filipino, Mexican and etc. eats rice with their meals. So, folks let saved rice now!

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