If you are worried about a little belly rolls or should I call it baby fat, then it’s time to beat it! I have been doing sit-ups everyday but it doesn’t seem to be working on my target. So one day, I decided to research for a different abdominal workout then I stumbled on “All Fitness” an iPhone app that got everything you can imagine. But of course I have to stick on my goal which is to eliminate my rolls and get a firmer abs. This amazing app got so much choices and it just depends if you can managed to execute them. However, I picked Sprinter in which the primary target is the rectus abdominis with an intermediate difficulty level. And you can directly feel the result on your day one as you can definitely experience the tightness of your abs.
And here are the steps to execute the Sprinter. First step, you have to lie down on your back, keep your hands at your side, legs extended straight, and heels held about 5 inches off the floor. Second step, slowly, start sitting up while elevating your right arm with the elbow bent so it resembles a sprinter’s pumping motion. At the peak of the sit-up, bring your left knee to your chest. And the last step is return to the starting position, keeping your legs straight and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.
Learn more about abdominal workouts
If you want to learn the truth about abs, check out this site:
Thanks for sharing ideas,its very helpful exercise for fitness.
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